Technology is changing marketing, but is marketing ready to change?

Marketing is often trend setting, however this is not the case with marketing technologies in the last 2 years. According to a report from Gartner, there has been a 16% drop in the utilisation of marketing technologies from 2020 to 2022. This is in contrast to the allocation of 25% of marketing budgets on marketing […]

5 reasons why Emily in Paris should not give marketing advice.

You can’t become an influencer overnight The journey Emily took to become an influencer was very unrealistic. Posting a selfie on Instagram with the hashtag ‘room with a view’ won’t make your socials a booming platform overnight. With no strategy or preparation, Emily starts with 50 followers and gains thousands within a week. Unfortunately, it’s […]

How to be a champion like the Super Bowl ads

The Super Bowl is the advertising industry’s biggest stage. Each year millions of people around the world sit down in front of their TVs to watch the Super Bowl. It is the one time where people might be tuning in specifically to watch the most anticipated ads of the year. Companies spend millions of dollars […]

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

In 2020, 72% of marketing spending in the UK was allocated towards digital marketing. Cybercrew Growing a small business is no small task. Here, we show you the reasons why you should invest in Digital Marketing to increase your brand presence. By using digital marketing techniques, you are able to maximise your customer base, create […]

Impactful Digital Marketing Strategies to Implement in 2021

The ever-changing marketing landscape in conjunction with trailblazing digital transformation creates an imperative need to stay on top of marketing trends. After all, the optimal way to market online has been as consistent as Britain’s weather circa summer 2021. Marketing methods have advanced so much so that even old favourites are neglected in favour of […]

The Four Essential Tools to Navigate Apple’s iOS14 Privacy Update

We’ve all been there at some point. You’re trawling the internet in search of new shoes, eventually finding a pair worthy of your interest. However, the newly-conditioned human nature of juggling multiple digital platforms drags you back to your social media feed. Before you’ve even been able to conclude your purchase, the shoes reappear on […]

5 Digital Marketing Statistics That Matter In 2021

Every year comes with new challenges, especially in the digital marketing world when things are always changing. Marketers across the globe are finding new ways to engage with their target audience by taking advantage of new technologies and platform features that will push them to the top of search engines and hopefully, right in front […]

5 Signs You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy ASAP

Whether you are a big Elon Musk fan and believe you don’t really need advertising to build a brand or you are just not sure if it will work for you, there are certain aspects about your business that might point to the fact that you need a digital marketing strategy in place.  This is […]

What Every Marketer Should Know About Market Segmentation

One of the key elements we look at when developing any marketing strategy, regardless of whether we are talking about B2C or B2B companies or different industries, is the target audience is an essential element which no strategy can be built without. Many brand founders have a rough idea of whom they are trying to […]