2020: Top Social Media Trends That Will Help You Grow Your Online Presence

With a turbulent and unexpected start to 2020, industries across the globe have had to face novel challenges that COVID-19 and consequently, the lockdown, have posed to businesses of all sizes. While some industries, such as the hospitality industry, have been dramatically impacted by this crisis, others continued to operate, however, not under normal circumstances. […]

5 Ways in Which Artificial Intelligence Has Changed Digital Marketing

Are robots really taking over? Well, kind of. But not in the way you think! A while ago, AI was considered accessible only to large multinational corporations which had big budgets, data and tech experts. Today, the situation is completely changed. Almost any business, big or small, has some sort of AI tool that helps […]

The New ABC’s

When you’re marketing a new product or service it’s tough to keep up with the ever-evolving online social space. Keeping pace with the millennial mindset, algorithms, demographics and new techniques can be near impossible! That’s why we’ve put together your new ABC’s, to help guide you in your decision making on Social Media. Authenticity If […]

5 Ways You Should be Using Facebook Video Content

Video has come on a long way since L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat scared watchers into thinking a train was going to burst out of the screen in 1896. Short video has evolved into one of the most popular and engaging forms of content on social media, and it’s understandable why. Its more attention […]

5 Ways Pinterest Can Change Up Your Digital Marketing Game

You may not have heard of Pinterest if you are not an avid fan of arts and crafts. Pinterest is a hub of quirk and interest, an online visual search engine that allows its users to discover, pin (aka collect on a page/profile) and share pictures and videos relating to their interests. They pin these […]

How To Use Facebook for Business – The Recipe to FB Success

If you are small or medium business owner, you may remember good old days when you would simply create a Facebook page, post about your business and get a surge of interest. These days it is important to understand that anything you post on social media is considered to be an advert and advertisements cost […]

To Pay Or Not To Pay?

In the past years, marketing and advertising your brand has become so diverse and has evolved from traditional techniques to digitally focused strategies that increase your opportunities for reaching your target audience to sell your product. One of the most talked about terms in digital marketing is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  and Search Engine Marketing (SEM), […]

5 Design Tips To Improve Your Brand’s Social Media!

Social media is all about creating content that catches the attention of anybody that is scrolling through their feed. Whether your using your social media channels to produce sales, redirecting traffic to your website or just for engaging with your customer, visuals are essential for achieving your goal. Here are some design tips that we […]

What It Means To Know Your Target Audience

Do you know your audience? Social media as its name implies a social network that connect people with the scope of enabling an online communication through various methods. As social media has evolved o has its functions and now brands have also found ways of interacting with their customers. As a digital agency in London […]

How we are getting wiser!

As a digital agency in London it sometimes can be hard, being in such a competitive market but having values for your brand is very important. Why? Because values are what keeps a team together and what motivates to push the limit as a team. In this blog post we are going to share with you […]