How LinkedIn’s 1 Billion User Milestone Redefines B2B Marketing

The B2B giant LinkedIn – owned by Microsoft – recently announced that they have surpassed 1 billion users on their platform. The 20-year-old network is now growing at a rate of 3 additional users every second, with 39% of us choosing to pay for its premium features. More than anything, the platform’s user milestone emphasises […]

The Great Green Shift: How Eco-conscious Marketing is Winning Hearts

How eco-marketing is winning over consumers

Eco-conscious marketing” has been making waves across our spectrum in recent years. Acting as a catalyst for change, businesses are embracing the need for more than just attention-grabbing campaigns and profit-orientated strategies. Global searches on Google connected to sustainable products or services saw a rise of approximately 130% from 2017 to 2022. Under this new shift, […]