- You can’t become an influencer overnight
The journey Emily took to become an influencer was very unrealistic. Posting a selfie on Instagram with the hashtag ‘room with a view’ won’t make your socials a booming platform overnight. With no strategy or preparation, Emily starts with 50 followers and gains thousands within a week. Unfortunately, it’s very unrealistic to become an influencer with a single selfie, but don’t we all wish it was that easy!
Being an influencer and creating content requires a lot of time, effort, and research, which we can see Emily doesn’t put in with her spontaneous and ‘extremely common’ photos. The likelihood of Emily becoming an influencer with unplanned and low-quality posts is very slim today, when being an influencer is a very sought after full-time job by people who put in a lot of work and produce high-quality posts.

2. Going viral is not easy
Emily believes she has discovered the secret to going viral; The more outrageous, the better. Not only is there no set guideline to go viral on the internet, nowadays posting inappropriate content can get you in trouble very quickly.
Unless you are a major account, a picture of a dress scattered on the floor won’t attract 177k likes in a few hours – especially without a known hashtag. Realistically, this approach would be more likely to lead to problems rather than results.

3. No human can have non-stop ideas
In real life, you can’t expect a creative person to have ideas at all times. That is why brainstorming and working with your team are extremely valuable in a marketing agency.
It’s unusual to come up with an entire campaign on your own. Emily, on the other hand, is constantly coming up with enormous ideas for all of her clients, all by herself. Every concept she has is successful and superior to that of her colleagues, which is not always the case.
4. Spontaneous Posting Rarely Happens
Brands rarely allow posts to appear on their feed without first going through an approval process. Emily’s unapproved post of Pierre Cadault’s outfit, especially given its provocative tone, would not be permitted in the actual world of marketing.
In Emily’s reality, there is no post planning at all, and all posts are released without being reviewed by seniors or the brand itself, which would never be allowed. In practice, this would be discussed with the customer before the campaign began, and posts would be pre-approved.

5. Different audiences mean different strategies
Emily arrived to Savoir with a mission: to teach the French how to promote in the American style. This would not make sense from a marketing standpoint, given the American and French approaches to advertising differ for a reason: they have distinct cultures and thus different target audiences. When planning a campaign, audience research is critical because audiences in one nation may have radically different likes, dislikes, platforms used, and overall mindsets than audiences in another country.
For Emily to use tactics that worked in America on a French audience without any research makes no logical sense, and makes all her supposed successes have even less credibility.